Ice Cream Stack-Its

Sunday, June 30, 2019

Ice Cream Stacks-Its are one of my favorite activities to include in my math and reading centers. They take a little prep time on the teacher's part: print, laminate, and cut. However, they're so worth it because the kids love them and they're pretty self explanatory! These games can be printed in color or black and white on colored paper!

When my students have a bucket of games to choose from, stack-its are always their go to choice. They're great for partners or small groups to work on too. They encourage cooperation and teamwork. You can also print the PDF pages in black and white to make a self-checking key.


These ice cream match-ups come in a variety of subjects, difficulties, and grade levels. In Kindergarten I liked to use the beginning sounds match during our work word time! Students have to match 4 pictures and the lower case letter to the capital letter cone. In math centers, we love to use the number sense stack-its! These help students recognize numbers to 20 in multiple forms: dice, base ten blocks, word form, ten frames, and fingers.


My second graders love the place value stack-its! They vary in difficulty. You could start the kids off with numbers to 20 and then challenge them with numbers to 100. Students match the expanded form, word form, and base ten form to the standard form ice cream cone. They love to show off their work for photos. I like to put these types of photos on Class Dojo to give parents a glimpse into our learning.

Another great set for second graders is the 3D shapes stack-its! These are fun and allow students to match the typical 3D shapes they see at school to 3D shapes in the real world.

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