Class Dojo Club: FREEBIE included!

Monday, April 6, 2020

For behavior management, we use a Class Dojo Club! My students earn a little something for every multiple of 25 points they reach and they get to write their name on the coordinating sign.

It's been popular, and yet easy to use, in my classroom! I typically reset my kids points and start over every quarter. I will sometimes change the rewards quarterly just for variety. It depends on how easy they were to implement, how popular they were with the kids, or what's available in the Target Dollar spot at the time. Haha

 Here are examples of the items I give out: erasers, pencils, candy, lunch with the teacher, $1 Scholastic books, maker space time, week of no homework, a Dojo crown, brag band, 
etc. They are a combination of free & paid for items. You can make yours whatever works best for you & your students. 

 If you'd like to implement this in your own classroom, snag the EDITABLE FREEBIE HERE! Remember the rewards are editable! If you want to only reward every 50 or 100 points, you could adjust the number of signs you hang up. I've also rewards every 25 points until 100 and then it stretches to every 50 points. I've been using this behavior management & rewards system for about 3 years now.

I just have to take another minute and brag on Class Dojo! It's one of my favorite educational tools! It's excellent for recording & communicating behavior. Parents love seeing the learning photos I post on the class & individual stories. It's wonderful that I can add dates to the class calendar and Dojo will send automatic reminders for me. I also love their new features that allows students to post to their own individual stories. If you haven't used Class Dojo, give it a try immediately. You won't be sorry!

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