Arts Integration

Sunday, March 1, 2020
So my team is currently going through a year long Arts Integration training? There's a difference in a curriculum that enhanced by arts the arts and one infused with the arts. In many of our AI lessons, we have introduced our students to and instructed them on art elements, techniques or artists. Take a look at a few of these ideas...

Peter Max Inspired Hearts
Students made these as Valentine's gifts for their family! Students watched a video about Peter Max and learned that his painting style includes brushy, blended strokes with layering that helps the framing pop! Check out PaintBrushRocket's blog for more detail.

Branches of Government Tree
We had just finished learning about the local, state, and national branches of government. We allowed students to show what they learned through these creative fall trees! Check out the amazing YouTube videos by Art For Kid Hub. We used one with instruction for drawing a fall tree. We printed three lined leaves so students could write a couple facts on each. These turned out super cute!

Attributes of a Star
Students recreated Vincent van Gogh's "A Starry Night" and captioned each picture with information about the stars. They includes how many small, medium, and large stars and whether the stars were bright or dim. The full lesson can be found at

Arts Now Learning is a great resource for finding ready-made Arts Integration lessons! With years of experience in Kindergarten, messy and exploratory projects do not scare me, rather they excite me as they encourage hands on inquiry and a deeper understanding of the content. However you, too, can begin to integrate the arts into your curriculum and standards.

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